Why is it that everyone struggles to make cards for boys?? Is it because they are soooo difficult to please or is it just that we don't understand them?? After all they are from Mars aren't they? LOL.
Anyway, the challenge over at Cute Card Thursday is to make a card for a younger boy. I went with a football theme, don't know many boys that don't like football do you? The image I have used is called Nathan and is from Instyle Stamps.
I decided on an easel card because this way I could hide a Gift Wallet which was the challenge at Cupcake Craft Challenge.
I used a football button as the stopper to make the easel card as this fitted with the rest of the card - so this fits the challenge at Allsorts which is to use buttons. (I know it is only one but it is an integral part of the card). The paper I used on the bottom is a piece of football wrapping paper which I pinched from my daughter's bedroom!! Sorry daughter!
I used blue for the card and blue metallic pencil for his shirt (and yellow blending pencils for his shorts) so I will also put this in for the challenge at ABC which is I for Indigo (blue).
Please let me know what you think guys, comments are always gratefully accepted. Thanks.