


Friday 21 August 2009

A Huge Thank You!!

Hello everyone,
I'm a bit slow putting this post up - what with work and that thing called life - don't you just find they both get in the way of your crafting. LOL.
Anyway, I'm here to put up two awards that have been given to me, and both from my very very good crafting buddy Ali over at Ali persuaded me to carry on with my blogging as I very nearly gave up after the first one. I'm so glad she nagged at me to have another go. I have so enjoyed the last couple of months (gosh, it seems like longer than that). I have joined in challenges and my style of card making has changed dramatically - so thank you Ali, what a pal!
So, the first award was the Kreativ Blogger award and this is what I now have to do as a result.
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name seven things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave comments on all seven blogs letting them know you nominated them.
So, at risk of boring you all to death, 7 interesting (do I really mean interesting) facts about myself.
1. My two all time favourite films are Top Gun and Ghost (love a weepie me!)
2. My favourite colour is purple and I love fairies.
3. I would run off with David Boreanaz (Angel & Bones) tomorrow if he asked me (I wish!)
4. I have two cats, Breezer and Smudge and I love Tigers.
5. I love anything Disney!
6. I am a lifelong supporter of Manchester United
7. I love F1 and MotoGP (would love to go but can't afford it)
So there you have it, me in a nutshell.
Anyway, I now have to nominate 7 people that I would like to receive this award. Obviously Ali would be at the top of my list but she passed it on to me so she beat me to it.
1. Janet at Pink Gems because I absolutely adore her digital images and love her blogsite.
2. Val aka Happy Crafter at the Crafting Pad - keep smilin girl we are all behind you!
3. Elizabeth at Soft Pencil for her generosity.
4. Louby Loo at Digital Delights because again, I love her blog and her Delightful Sketches
5. Leanne at Fluttabyz Crafty Haven because her site is lovely and it must be hard to be so far away, even if she does love it.
6. Paula at Pollycraft because her Friday Freebies are fantastic and I love her site
7.Jo at Tinker & Co because her designs are ace.
There we go then, just the blog hopping to do now and let everyone know.
The second award, as I said was also from Ali at and this is lovely because I adore Disney characters.
Again I am passing this on (obviously goes without saying that first would have been Ali but hey ho beat me again!) I'll get you girl!
Firstly to Janet at Pink Gems for the reasons I have already said, to Val at the Crafting Pad and to Elizabeth at Soft Pencil.
Wow, what a long post, sorry guys - and NO CARD either!!! Still, weekend coming up, posts will be added then hopefully!!
Love and hugz to all my new crafting buddies.
Dawn x


  1. Thanks a lot!!!!!! I really appreciate you pass me this award and this lovely image of "Bambi" one of the cutest characters I´ve ever seen...!

  2. I didn't know you liked anything Disney - How appropriate!!!

    Love & Hugs

    Ali x

  3. Hey Dawn!! Thanks so very much for this fabby award!!

  4. Thank you very much for the awards Dawn x


Thank you so much for stopping by to take a look at my blog. I love to read your comments so please don't forget to leave one and let me know what you thought.
Have a fabulous day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.