


Sunday 10 July 2011

Totally Tilda - Midway Reminder - Challenge #26 Distressing

Hello peeps,
Well I just popped in to remind you that you have about a week left to submit your entries for our latest challenge at Totally Tilda.
Don't forget the challenge this time is:
I can tell you all, this was not only a challenge but very distressing for me!  This is definitely not my favourite type of challenge but I gave it a go anyway.  Well it wouldn't be a challenge if I didn't now would it?? LOL
Now you know that I always show you a sneaky peek of my card the day the challenge goes live don't you?  So today is the day I can show you the whole thing!  Bet you're excited now aren't you?? LOL
Just kidding, I'm not really that big headed, honest.  So here you go then, my card for this challenge:

So Tilda is coloured with my Prismacolour Pencils and Promarkers which I prefer to use on the hair for some reason!
Tilda is placed on a heart doily which I received from my teamie Cor* some time ago and I stamped this with a pinky brown ink pad to match the other colours.  These are both then placed on one of Susie's die cuts which again I inked with the same ink pad to blend in.
The flowers are all handmade!  I wish, really wish I could say by me but they are handmade by Suzanne of Just Love Stamping.  Suzanne has recently been re-diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently receiving treatment.  She decided to sell her handmade flowers to raise money for Breast Cancer Research - so I just had to buy some and I have to tell you if you think they look fabulous on her blog - Just Love Flowers - then they look 100 times more beautiful in real life!!  Sadly everything has sold out right now (although that is great news for Suzanne's money raising!) but hopefully there will be more in the future. 
I'm thinking of you Suzanne!
Those two mini tags were a surprise little extra in my recent order from Linda The Funkie Junkie.  I ordered some of her fabulous pins (one of which is pictured on my card above) from her Etsy shop and along with everything I had ordered was a little bag of mini extras!  Thanks Linda!  I coloured them with prisma colour pencils and added the Thank You which is a Clarity Stamp.  The papers are all from my Papermania Signature pack called Regency.  Lastly I added a couple of little pinkish brown brads top left and bottom right as a finishing touch.


  1. What a gorgeous card Dawn, you have done a good job with the distressing, and the flowers finish it off beautifully. I love it.

  2. Hey hun you got it - love your distressing. Suzannes flowers look beautiful, hope she is doing OK.

    Hugs Ali x

  3. Oh this is really beautiful! I love the edges of your papers :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx


Thank you so much for stopping by to take a look at my blog. I love to read your comments so please don't forget to leave one and let me know what you thought.
Have a fabulous day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.