


Sunday 31 July 2011

Recipe time at Totally Tilda!

That's right folks, the new challenge at Totally Tilda this time is to follow our recipe.
The recipe this time is:
Now I always show my creation on the Midway Reminder post, so just to whet your appetite a little here is a sneak peek at my card for this challenge:
Remember to stop by the challenge blog and have a look at what the Design Team have created for your inspiration - you will not be disappointed.  You will remember I introduced you to a new Design Team member on the last Midway Reminder and that was Hazel aka kbrandy4.  If you haven't seen Hazel's work - well where HAVE you been????  So this week I have another new Design Team member to introduce you to and that is Jacqui P.  If you don't know Jacqui's work why not pop in to her blog "crafting daydreams" and have a look at her wonderful creations, not least all her fabulous Tildas.
So see you next week for the Midway Reminder.
Have fun Tilda lovers.

Monday 25 July 2011

Round and Round and Round!!

Hello bloggy friends.  Well, it is Monday again and that means it is time for another fabulous challenge at Ooh La La Creations.  Firstly, please let me say a big thank you for all the entries that we had for the last challenge.  Please stop by the Ooh La La Challenge Blog to see who our lucky winners were.  Remember, there is no Random Org here, the Design Team take it in turns to pick their favourite and two runners up - so if you won it's because we loved your creation!!

So, onto the next challenge and this time it is:
Here is the card I made for this challenge:
I have used images and DP from the Doily Folder on the Fleur D'Imagination CD which you can buy here.  I used the decoupage topper for my card. 
The three little button embellishments are from my stash.
Please remember to stop by the rest of the Design Team and see their fabulous creations (links on the DT tab at the top of this page).  They have all worked really hard to offer you some inspiration, so please remember to leave them some love if you pay a visit.

Sunday 24 July 2011

All Customer Blog Hop at Belles n Whistles!

Just popped in to let you all know about a fantastic
All Customer Blog Hop at Belles n Whistles.
When is it happening????  8th August
What do you have to do?????  Go to the Belles n Whistles blogpost and get yourself signed up!!

Totally Tilda - Midway Reminder Challenge #27

Hello peeps,
Well I just popped in to remind you that you have about a week left to submit your entries for our latest challenge at Totally Tilda.
Don't forget the challenge this time is:
Christmas Decoration in July
That means we want to see a decoration you have made that you would hang on your tree
Now you know that I always show you a sneaky peek of my creation the day the challenge goes live don't you?  So today is the day I can show you the whole thing!  Bet you're excited now aren't you?? LOL
Just kidding, I'm not really that big headed, honest. 
I found a cool tutorial for an origami paper wreath which you can see here.
The tutorial tells you that the picture on their page uses rectangle paper 5cm x 10cms but you can't really get an idea of how big the wreaths come out so this is my third one!! LOL
The 5 x 10cm one is huge!  So then I made a 2 x 4cm wreath and that one is too small!  So this one is a 3 x 6cms wreath and - in the words of Baby Bear - this one is just right!!
So here's the other side of the wreath:
The silver bauble and the silver bird are recycled elements from Christmas Crackers.  The poinsettia flowers are clear peel offs stuck to acetate and cut out then four are secured together with a brad.
So I hope you like my decoration and that is has inspired you to have a go!
Good luck.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Stuck on Bugaboo

Hi all,
A quick Saturday evening post from me today.  I think I may be addicted slightly to Bugaboo Digital Stamps! LOL
Having entered last week's challenge and all the mini challenges I now find myself doing another Bugaboo card for a friend's birthday - and guess what??? - it just happens to fit the challenge at Bugaboo this week too!!  Woooohooooo!
So the challenge at Bugaboo this week is:
METAL with eyelets or brads.
It can be any type of metal, brads, eyelets, metal objects on the image, metal sheets - the world my friends is your oyster!
So here is the card I made for this challenge:
I have used JJ Cook for this card and used the matching sentiment too.
The image is coloured with my promarkers and then matted onto brown card.  The backing paper is from a self adhesive pad which I bought a while back.
Those gorge flowers are from Suzanne at Just Love Flowers, or better known from Just Love Stamping.  (Suzanne I hope you are doing ok hun - I think about you everytime I move these flowers around my craft room.  Sending you cyber hugs sweetie.  Take care!!)
So there you have it, I have added two little brass hinges and then there's the brads top right oh and of course the metal saucepan in the piccy!!

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and have a look see at my card.
I would just like to welcome my new followers - thank you so much for joining me.
There will be a new candy up soon to celebrate my two year blogaversary (which was actually on the 12th of this month!) and also the fact that I am nearing the 300 follower mark!  It's funny isn't it how when we start out on this blogging life we can't quite imagine why anyone would want to follow us and read our daily ramblings - but I'm so glad you do.  So stay tuned folks candy is a coming!!

Friday 22 July 2011

Bugaboo Christmas in July Week - Part 6

Last but not least the final card for the Bugaboo mini challenges.
This time the theme was:
Anything Goes
Here is my card:
This is one of the Crabby Cathy images from Bugaboo.  They really do have a wealth of images to choose from - you really should go pay a visit to the shop.

Bugaboo Christmas in July Week - Part 5

Here's the next one for Bugaboo!
This time the theme was:
Snow Business.
I have used one of the snowmen images and used lots of glitter and liquid pearls with added glitter for my snow.
Again the papers were a magazine freebie and the ribbon is from my stash.  I have punched the snowflakes from different purple card.

Bugaboo Christmas in July Week - Part 4

Me again!
Here is my card for the Wednesday challenge at Bugaboo which was to use the sketch provided.
Here is my card:
I have used one of the A Kids View images which I think are just fab.

Bugaboo Christmas in July Week - Part 3

Here's my card for the Tuesday mini challenge at Bugaboo where the theme was to use the image provided.
I love these images so wanted it to be the focus of the card so went Clean and simple.
The holly stamp in the corner is one from Clarity Stamps which I've had for years.

Bugaboo Christmas in July Week - Part 2

Hi All,
As mentioned in my previous post, Bugaboo Stamps is having a week of challenges this week.
This is the second challenge and this time the challenge was:
Non Traditional Christmas Colours and here is my card:
This was a freebie image from Bugaboo.
Again I have used Die Cuts from Die Cut Dreams and added punched snowflakes and flowers from my stash.
The DP were a freebie in a magazine ages ago!

Bugaboo Christmas in July Week - Part 1

Hi all,
Well, you may or may not know that Bugaboo is having a Christmas in July week and blog hop all this week with the main Saturday challenge as usual and five mini challenges throughout the week.  So, I've done the blog hop - and boy was there some fabulous inspiration along the way - now it's time to post all my cards for the challenges.  The only way I could do all the mini challenges was to make all the cards each evening after work and then post them all in one go so this is the first card for the Saturday challenge which was:
A Christmas Theme.
And here is my card:
I have used one of the JJ images from the Ornament Bundle which you can buy at Bugaboo Stamps.
I have backed the image onto one of Susie's fabulous Die Cuts from Die Cut Dreams and simply added some blue and white flowers as an embellishment. 
The DP is from an Ooh La La CD all of which you can see here.

Monday 18 July 2011

Animal Antics - Challenge #94 at Die Cut Dreams

Good morning my blogging friends.  Here we are at the start of another week so that must mean it is time for a new challenge at Die Cut Dreams.  Thank you once again to all those who entered our last challenge.  Please remember to stop by the Die Cut Dreams challenge blog to see if you were one of our lucky winners.
So, onto the new challenge and this time the theme is:
(sorry but butterflies don't count!)
So time to get your thinking hats on and get crafting.
Here is my project for this fortnight's challenge:
Now those of you who know me well will know that I don't like distressing very much at all.  However, I watched Create and Craft the other day and they were advertising the Tim Holtz Distress Core'dinations paper pad so I just plunged right on in and bought one.  So the green card that the image is matted on to is Pine Needles card and the red is Barn Door (I think).  With the green card I distressed the edges with sandpaper and with the red card I embossed and then added Pine Needles distress ink to the embossing.
Before I added the red embossed card I sponged all over the white card base with Fired Brick and Pine Needles distress ink with my new Tim Holtz Alcohol Ink applicator - get me eh???? LOL
The image is a Penny Black image called Berry Berry Christmas sent to me by my good friend Clare - thanks hun - used it at last!!
The sentiment is one from Lynne at Sentiments 4 You and you can buy it here.  The flowers and pom pom (thanks Corry) are from my stash.
So there you have my first distressed Christmas card - I'm actually quite pleased with this one and I may now have been (almost) converted to distressing!!

Well peeps, I can't wait to see what you all come up with over the next two weeks.  Have fun!
ABC Christmas Challenge - N for No Nonsense (I haven't used DP just Core d'inations card)
Creative Inspirations - Christmas in July
Inky Impressions - Distressing
Paper Sundaes - Christmas in July
Simon Says Stamp & show - Show some embossing
Simon Says - Anything Goes
Stamp something - Christmas in July

Sunday 17 July 2011

Totally Tilda - Challenge #27 - Christmas Decoration in July!

Morning all.
Well it is Sunday once again and that means it is time for a new challenge over a Totally Tilda.
This time the challenge is to make a Christmas Decoration to hang on your tree.
That's right - it must be a hanging decoration - no cards allowed this time.
Now you really must pop on over to the Totally Tilda Challenge blog and have a look at the fantastic, I say fantastic creations that the Design Team have made for your inspiration.  There are some truly wonderful creations by some enormously talented ladies.  Don't believe me????  Well, whatcha waiting for - get on over and have a look.
Now you know by now that I only show you a sneaky peek of my creation today so here it is:
Any ideas??  Well, I found a tutorial on the internet and that is what I based my decoration on.  So remember to pop back next week when I post the Midway Reminder to see what it was I made.
See you then!

Monday 11 July 2011

Tag - You're it!

Hello bloggy friends.  Well, it is Monday again and that means it is time for another fabulous challenge at Ooh La La Creations.  Firstly, please let me say a big thank you for all the entries that we had for the last challenge.  Please stop by the Ooh La La Challenge Blog to see who our lucky winners were.  Remember, there is no Random Org here, the Design Team take it in turns to pick their favourite and two runners up - so if you won it's because we loved your creation!!

So, onto the next challenge and this time it is:
So that means we want to see Tags on your creations - one, two or as many as you like!
Here is the card I made for this challenge:
I have used images and DP from the Celestial Aparitions folder on the Dreams of Tranquility CD which you can buy here.  All the embellishments are from my stash. So where's the tag you shout???
Here it is!
And here is a closer look at both the front and back of the tag:
So there you have it.  I hope you like my card and I hope it has given you a little in the way of inspiration.  Please remember to stop by the rest of the Design Team and see their fabulous creations (links on the DT tab at the top of this page).  They have all worked really hard to offer you some inspiration, so please remember to leave them some love if you pay a visit.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Totally Tilda - Midway Reminder - Challenge #26 Distressing

Hello peeps,
Well I just popped in to remind you that you have about a week left to submit your entries for our latest challenge at Totally Tilda.
Don't forget the challenge this time is:
I can tell you all, this was not only a challenge but very distressing for me!  This is definitely not my favourite type of challenge but I gave it a go anyway.  Well it wouldn't be a challenge if I didn't now would it?? LOL
Now you know that I always show you a sneaky peek of my card the day the challenge goes live don't you?  So today is the day I can show you the whole thing!  Bet you're excited now aren't you?? LOL
Just kidding, I'm not really that big headed, honest.  So here you go then, my card for this challenge:

So Tilda is coloured with my Prismacolour Pencils and Promarkers which I prefer to use on the hair for some reason!
Tilda is placed on a heart doily which I received from my teamie Cor* some time ago and I stamped this with a pinky brown ink pad to match the other colours.  These are both then placed on one of Susie's die cuts which again I inked with the same ink pad to blend in.
The flowers are all handmade!  I wish, really wish I could say by me but they are handmade by Suzanne of Just Love Stamping.  Suzanne has recently been re-diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently receiving treatment.  She decided to sell her handmade flowers to raise money for Breast Cancer Research - so I just had to buy some and I have to tell you if you think they look fabulous on her blog - Just Love Flowers - then they look 100 times more beautiful in real life!!  Sadly everything has sold out right now (although that is great news for Suzanne's money raising!) but hopefully there will be more in the future. 
I'm thinking of you Suzanne!
Those two mini tags were a surprise little extra in my recent order from Linda The Funkie Junkie.  I ordered some of her fabulous pins (one of which is pictured on my card above) from her Etsy shop and along with everything I had ordered was a little bag of mini extras!  Thanks Linda!  I coloured them with prisma colour pencils and added the Thank You which is a Clarity Stamp.  The papers are all from my Papermania Signature pack called Regency.  Lastly I added a couple of little pinkish brown brads top left and bottom right as a finishing touch.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Do It With Digis - Spots or stripes (or both)

Hello bloggy peeps!!
Well it is Thursday again and that must mean it is time for another challenge with the Digi Divas at Do It With Digis.
The challenge this time is:
This fortnight it is the turn of Team A to share their creations with you.
Now anybody that knows me well will know that my favourite big cat is The Tiger.  So, when I saw this challenge I just knew I was going to use a tiger in it somewhere.  As I scrolled through all the digital images I have on my computer (and I have a few!!!) I came across this gorgeous image from Teri at Delicious Doodles and you can purchase the image here.  As soon as I saw him I just knew I had to buy him and now it is time to use him on one of my cards.  So, without further ado, here is the card I made:

This card is completely digital!  Well I thought as we're called Do It With Digis I should go all out and make it completely digital.  So using my Craft Artist Platinum I designed my card. 
As you can see I added an orange hue to the image (hope you don't mind Teri?) and then added a frame.
I added a string of bows down the right hand side and three buttons at the bottom left.
The sentiment is one you can buy from Lynne at Crafts 4 You
I do hope you can find the time to join in with our Spots and Stripes challenge, we love to see your fabulous entries.
Thanks for stopping by.