


Thursday 1 August 2019

OMG! OMG! OMG! - Sooooo excited.

Hello everyone,
Well, as my blog post title may suggest, I am just a tad excited!!
I entered a card into the Ching Chou Kuik Facebook challenge in June and it only went and won the Artist's Choice Aware didn't it?? So delighted with that.
Well, ok so that's good but why is she so excited about that I hear you ask!!
Weeeellll, not only that, but a few days later I was contacted by the lovely Kym Upshaw who leads the Design Team to ask me if I wanted to be part of the Facebook DT!!!!!
Well, obviously I had to think about it.................
for like a NANO SECOND!!
I cannot begin to tell you how chuffed and overwhelmed I was to be asked.  Let me tell you there is some awesome talent on that team and now I am a part of it too! Whoop Whoop!!
Look, I even have my own blog badge with one of my coloured images - how cool is that? 

Okay okay, so you get that I am excited, sorry I will get on with the job in hand.
This is my first creation for the Facebook design team and I hope to be with them for as long as they will have me.
The theme for the Facebook challenge, and that of the blog challenge too actually, for the month of August is
So, your entry must feature a four legged animal on it somewhere please.
You can enter it at both places if you want to as well.
So the image I chose to use for this first Inspiration post is:
As soon as I saw this image I just knew it was the one I wanted to use.
image 0
The image is coloured with my Polychromo pencils.
I really love using my pencils but boy does it take a looong time to finish an image. Lol

The little cat at the front is modelled on my own cat Smudge and I am absolutely thrilled with how it turned out.

I did take a little bit of inspiration from the artwork on the Etsy page where the image is partly coloured and then just went with the flow. (click on the Title of the image above and you will see what I mean).
There was a time when each of those animals would have been coloured with just one colour but having used the colouring classes at Kit and Clowder I am now happy to say my animals actually look like animals. Hahahaha

The backing papers are from Claritystamp and Lili of the Valley and the little stamp is a Claritystamp too.  The flowers are from my stash.

Hope you like my first Ching Chou Kuik DT card and that it might just have inspired you to have a go and enter the challenges.



  1. Wow! Congrats on the award and on the DT! How fun!! Your card and coloring are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity at Crafting Happiness Challenge. Hope you'll share more of your projects.
    Pause Dream Enjoy
    Crafting Happiness Challenges
    Facebook Page for Pause Dream Enjoy

  2. Whoa! Dawn, this is beyond gorgeous! Your deep colors, wonderful highlights, beautiful shading are all beyond words! GORGEOUS! Congratulations on your win, and on your new DT gig, too! So glad I got to see your critter project showcased at the 2 Crafty Critter Crazies Challenge. Hope to see more of your creations in the future.
    Crafty Smiles,
    {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  3. Congratulations on your win and this card is adorable too. Thanks for playing along with us at Crafty Animals. Lisa DT

  4. What a fun layout and terrifically colored image on your card. Congrats on the win and DT position. Thanks for sharing with us at Love To Craft :)

  5. Such a beautiful card, love the image.
    Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Arty Divas this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs, Zowie xx
    Arty Divas DT
    Crafts from the Fairy Den {My Blog}

  6. CONGRATULATIONS on winning and being head hunted to be part of DT. You will be a great asset to them x

    your card is gorgeous and perfectly coloured x

    hugs sally x

  7. Congrats! I love your card! You have colored the images wonderfully! Thanks for joining us and good luck with with your entry!
    Hugs, Joy
    Joyfully Stamps
    Lil Patch of Crafty Friends, Owner/Coordinator

  8. A perfectly designed card. Great coloring! Your cat looks stunning
    Thank you for joining our gallery at Crafting With An Attitude.
    Bożena DT CWAA


Thank you so much for stopping by to take a look at my blog. I love to read your comments so please don't forget to leave one and let me know what you thought.
Have a fabulous day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.