


Tuesday 5 April 2011

Softpencil Tuesday - This month's new releases!

So, Tuesday once more and that means it is Softpencil Tuesday. This is the week that the design team are showing you the new releases this month.

So the new releases this month are called The Garden Collection and here they are:

Remember all three of the new releases will be available at Elizabeth's shop and they are all super value for money. Next week I will show you the first of the new releases, so I hope you will join me for that. I had planned to whet your appetite with a sneak preview of the card that I will be posting next week but alas time has run away with me again.  So please remember to stop by next week and have a look at the card I will have made.

Remember that you can buy these and all the other fabulous Softpencil Digi Images at Elizabeth's store and also if you can't get enough of Softpencil images, these designs are available on t-shirts, hoodies, kids and baby clothes, art prints and stickers through Elizabeth's Redbubble shop.

See you next Tuesday with the first of my creations with this month's new releases.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for stopping by to take a look at my blog. I love to read your comments so please don't forget to leave one and let me know what you thought.
Have a fabulous day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.