


Friday 30 August 2019

Ching Chou Kuik - Week 4 inspiration

Hi all,
Well the lucky winners have been announced at Ching Chou Kuik's Facebook Challenge.
The theme this month has been:
and we had some really lovely entries.
Many congratulations to all of our winners.

So I thought I would just show one more Four Legged Friend card using the fabulous,

So, because I was quite pleased with how my last markers card turned out, I thought I would give them another go for this creation.

Again, I am really pleased with how the skin has come out on this one.
Not so sure about the little fox though, his eyes aren't quite right.  Hey ho, one for the practice pad I think.

My favourite colour is purple and although I love this image in blue as it is on the Etsy page I really wanted to use purple.  I had to add the obligatory bit of glitter on the wings - well you do don't you?

The papers are from Lili of the Valley and that fabulous bow is made from some tuille stuff I had in my stash.
The background around the image is done with pan pastels in three different shades. I do love the way those pastels blend together.

Again this was an old Sketch and Stash sketch and I finished it off with some simple little pearls in each corner.

Not long before we start a new challenge so keep your eyes peeled.
See you soon.


Colour Crazy Challenge - Oddball Stamps

Hi there,
Well, time once again for Team D to step into the breach and offer up a little inspiration for this challenge.
We are lucky to be sponsored this time by:
I got to play with the gorgeous:

I wanted to come up with some clever saying to go with him but alas my brain cells failed me, yet again!  So instead I decided to add him to a little notebook.
I was going to put a title on the front like "My little book of Tall Tales" but decided against it in the end.

The papers I have used are from Polkadoodles and you can find those here. They print off beautifully and are so versatile, you really can't go wrong.
The image is coloured with my Copics.

The pink ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons.

I'm looking forward to seeing all your wonderful creations.


Saturday 24 August 2019

Ching Chou Kuik - Week 3 Inspiration

Hi there, me again!!
So, we are into week three of our challenge at Ching Chou Kuik.
As you know by now the theme is:
So as long as there is a four legged animal on your creation you will qualify.

For my card this week I chose to use:

Once again I have used my Polychromo Pencils,
I took my inspiration from the artwork on the Etsy page and I am absolutely thrilled with how this turned out.

That cat took me A G E S!!!! Lol
But I think it was worth the effort, don't you?

The backing papers are from Claritystamp as is the beautiful sentiment.
The flowers, thread and lace are all from my stash.

You still have this week and next to get your entries in so off you go! 😀😀😀


Tuesday 20 August 2019

Digi Choosday - Teacher's Gift

Hi all,
Well, these Tuesday's certainly do come around quickly don't they.  I mean, there seems to be one every week!! Lol
Anyhoo, let's crack on shall we.
As you know our challenges are always
So this really does give you scope to do whatever you like to do.
If you use Polkadoodles goodies then that's fabulous but there is no necessity to do so.
Use whatever you want and make whatever pleases you.
We just love to see all your beautiful entries.

So this week the Design Team were challenged to make a Teacher's Christmas Gift.
Now, I sat and thought about this for AGES!!
It is a loooong time since my daughter was at school and this craze for Teacher's presents didn't really exist then so it is a bit alien for me.
In the end I thought I would make a scene.  NO!! Not that type of scene!! Honestly, as if! Lol
No, a nice winter scene with a cute Christmas character or two.
So, here is what I came up with.

I decided to use the Winnie White Christmas printable digi downloads to make the majority of the scenic background.  I manipulated them in my Craft Artist software, added the snowflakes, the little snowman and all the trees.  I added the little sentiment onto the sun so it stood out a bit. 

Then I printed off the adorable Rudolph and coloured him in with my Polychromo pencils and then fussy cut him out so that I could add him with some silicone gel so he was 3d.  

Next I printed out some of the gorgeous flowers and leaves from the Horace and Boo Floral Foliage download so that I could add them on to the outside of the frame.

The final addition was some little wooden snowflakes which I painted with white gesso and then dipped into blue glitter whilst still wet to offset the flowers.

I am really pleased with how this turned out and I just hope it will be good enough for my middle Grandson to give to his teacher at Christmas. Fingers crossed, lol.

Can't wait to see what you all come up with this time.
Above all though, have fun.


Saturday 17 August 2019

Ching Chou Kuik - Four Legged Friends - Week 2

Hello again
Well, here is my second inspiration post for the current challenge at Ching Chou Kuik's Facebook and Blog challenge.
The theme is the same for both venues so that makes life easy doesn't it?
As the post title says, the theme for this month is:
So, as long as your creation has a four legged friend on it somewhere your entry will qualify.
So for my second project I have used:
I just adore this image.
So for ages now I have been using either my Polychromo pencils or my Prismacolour pencils.  So I thought it was about time I gave my Copics an airing. 
Now I haven't used them in a while but the colouring methods still remain the same as when using pencils so here goes - now be nice to me! Lol

As I say, the image is coloured with my Copics.
I am especially pleased with the way the skin and hair turned out on this one.
In fact considering I haven't used them in umpteen months I am quite pleased with how this turned out, full stop.

The sentiment is done using a Claritystamp sentiment stamp and I just thought it finished the card off perfectly.
The lace is from my stash and the layout is based on an old Sketch and Stash sketch.
I printed them all out ages ago so I would always have a "go to" sketch to use if I needed it.

I finished off with three flowers from my stash and there you have it.

So, please try and find the time to join in with our Four Legged Friends challenge if you can, you know what they say - Gotta be in it to win it!! Lol


Tuesday 6 August 2019

Digi Choosday #30 - Anything Goes

Hello all,
Hope you are keeping well in your respective parts of the world?
Well, it is time for another new challenge over at Digi Choosday once again and remember that means a new discount code valid on selected digital items for today.
Just choose your item and then add the code at checkout - if there is no discount shown it means your product does not qualify for the discount on this occasion.  Still, with so many fabulous items to choose from I am sure you will find something you like eh? 

So what have I made for you this week?
Well, the DT were challenged to only use the colours Pink and Orange - a Summer Cocktail if you like, and also to make a kinetic card - so I chose a Twisted Easel card.  Well to me that instantly said "Mermaid" and who better than Winnie Mermaid to showcase those fabulous colours.
The gorgeous image I have used is called Winnie Mermaid Mermazing Octopus Kisses - isn't it fabulous?

So out with my trusty Prismacolour pencils for this one - just because there are two fabulous neon colours in the set and they were just perfect for this challenge.

The stopper I used for this Easel card is one of the fabulous sentiments from the Winnie Special Moments Quotes.  I just printed it out on card, made the background pink to match the theme and then added to the base with some silicone to make it stand proud.  There really is a sentiment for each and every occasion in that set - I love them. I also added a little wooden seashell which I painted with acrylic paint.

I backed the image onto some orange card from my stash and the backing papers on the two main parts of the card are from the Winnie Starfish Sandcastle Papers 9 set.  These papers are really lovely colours and, for me at least, they print off pretty true to colour.

I added a couple of sparkly gem strips and then finished off with some little wooden fishes and a seahorse from my stash which I painted with Distress Markers and then added some Cosmic Shimmer to them to match the colour scheme.

So there you have it folks, my pink and orange cocktail of summer.
Can't wait to see what you all come up with.
Have fun.


Friday 2 August 2019

Hoppy Birthday

Hello all,
Time once again for another challenge over at Colour Crazy.
As you all know, our challenges are always 
Our only proviso really is that there must be some hand colouring on your project.
Unfortunately, we do not accept digitally coloured images.
So, let's get on and show you my little bit of inspiration for this week's challenge shall we?
Cuddly Critters Rabbit
I do love the animal digis over at Dr Digi and so I chose to use this fabulous digi - Cuddly Critters - Rabbit.

He is coloured with my Polychromo pencils.
I then layered him up on to some Clarity Designer Paper.  This is from the pad called Shenandoah.

Then I used a backing paper from a Lili of the Valley with Raspberry Road Designs called Pressed in Time.  No longer available sadly.
The gorgeous rabbit ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons and there are several colours to choose from.  They also do other Animal silhouette ribbons, in fact they do just about anything you can think of, why not just nip over and have a quick look around?

The sentiment is computer generated and the little carrots are cut from some clip art also printed on the computer.

So there you have it.
Looking forward to seeing all your entries this week.  
Have fun.


Thursday 1 August 2019

OMG! OMG! OMG! - Sooooo excited.

Hello everyone,
Well, as my blog post title may suggest, I am just a tad excited!!
I entered a card into the Ching Chou Kuik Facebook challenge in June and it only went and won the Artist's Choice Aware didn't it?? So delighted with that.
Well, ok so that's good but why is she so excited about that I hear you ask!!
Weeeellll, not only that, but a few days later I was contacted by the lovely Kym Upshaw who leads the Design Team to ask me if I wanted to be part of the Facebook DT!!!!!
Well, obviously I had to think about it.................
for like a NANO SECOND!!
I cannot begin to tell you how chuffed and overwhelmed I was to be asked.  Let me tell you there is some awesome talent on that team and now I am a part of it too! Whoop Whoop!!
Look, I even have my own blog badge with one of my coloured images - how cool is that? 

Okay okay, so you get that I am excited, sorry I will get on with the job in hand.
This is my first creation for the Facebook design team and I hope to be with them for as long as they will have me.
The theme for the Facebook challenge, and that of the blog challenge too actually, for the month of August is
So, your entry must feature a four legged animal on it somewhere please.
You can enter it at both places if you want to as well.
So the image I chose to use for this first Inspiration post is:
As soon as I saw this image I just knew it was the one I wanted to use.
image 0
The image is coloured with my Polychromo pencils.
I really love using my pencils but boy does it take a looong time to finish an image. Lol

The little cat at the front is modelled on my own cat Smudge and I am absolutely thrilled with how it turned out.

I did take a little bit of inspiration from the artwork on the Etsy page where the image is partly coloured and then just went with the flow. (click on the Title of the image above and you will see what I mean).
There was a time when each of those animals would have been coloured with just one colour but having used the colouring classes at Kit and Clowder I am now happy to say my animals actually look like animals. Hahahaha

The backing papers are from Claritystamp and Lili of the Valley and the little stamp is a Claritystamp too.  The flowers are from my stash.

Hope you like my first Ching Chou Kuik DT card and that it might just have inspired you to have a go and enter the challenges.
