


Sunday 24 March 2013

Shaped Cards at Totally Tilda

Hello all.
Well it's Sunday again and that means it is time for the new challenge over at Totally Tilda.
Please remember to hop on over to the Totally Tilda challenge blog and have a look to see if you were one of our lucky winners/Top 3.
Remember our winners and top three are chosen by Susie and the Design Team.
No here! So if you won it's because we loved your creation.
Right on to the new challenge.
The theme for this fortnight's challenge is:
(No squares or rectangles)
Now we would like to see any shape of card - not a basket.  Your creation must be a card!!
This time we are lucky to be sponsored by:

So here is my creation for this challenge:
I have used my new Silhouette Cameo to cut this shape out and also the little banner.
I have used Tim Holtz Distress C'oredinations cardstock and I am surprised at how much strength it has.
The stand is a bit flimsy but I guess it stands up and holds the card so it must be ok.

Tilda is coloured with my Faber Castell Polychromo pencils and I have just added a wee sentiment from Lynne's Sentiments 4 You and a few little flowers from my stash and finished it off with a ribbon bow.
I do hope you get time to pop along and join in with the fun this fortnight.
Have fun peeps.


  1. This is so cute Dawn!!! Love the beautiful shape and the awesome flowers! Hugs, Brigitte

  2. This is a lovely card, great shape and sweet image and I love the dark green background. Hugs, Claire x

  3. I am having a blonde moment now (just for a change lol) I can't remember if I commented and published my comment & it's waitingf for you to moderate it, or if I was about to type my comment when Gareth came home chatting away interrupting my blogging (no manners that boy lol)and I've lost track of what I'm doing, so you may be a very lucky girl and have two comments from this air head lol.
    Dawn your card is absolutely gorgeous, love the shape & that cute banner and your colouring is fab hun
    hugs Mandy xxx
    I am definitely publishing NOW lol xx

  4. Hi dawn what a great shape with your Cameo .. love your Tilda and your lush green bow ;0)

  5. Gorgeous card Dawn with fab colour combo and design, Tilda looks so pretty in pink and perfectly placed bunting!
    Hugs Nicola xxx


Thank you so much for stopping by to take a look at my blog. I love to read your comments so please don't forget to leave one and let me know what you thought.
Have a fabulous day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.