


Wednesday 25 May 2016

In the pink!

Hi All
Now that I know this card has been received I can happily post it to my blog and enter it into the Clarity Stamp Challenge.
This is a Christening card I was asked to make by my daughter.
She had been asked to be godmother to little Lettie, oh she is so cute! and obviously needed a card for the Christening.
What to make though?
It was going to be Beatrix Potter related but then I remembered my Baby baby Groovi plates so I set to work with those.
This is what I came up with - and if I say so myself I am really pleased with how it turned out.
The mane and tail are actually not that red in real life but quite a dark pink.
I wish I had gone over the name more than once as I did with the other words - looks a bit lost there doesn't it?
I used my Distress markers to colour everything except the hearts and these were coloured with my Spectrum Noir Pencils.
I added a little highlight to each heart and I really think it makes a difference.

Bit of character building all around the hexagon - took a while!!

My only disappointment is that I can see the double sided tape where I attached it to the backing card.
 I was going to do a wrap around and clean forgot! DOH!

Anyway, good news is my daughter was thrilled to bits with it which makes me a happy bunny.

So I am going to enter it into the Clarity Stamp Challenge which this month is Anything Goes

Monday 16 May 2016

No Designer Paper!

Hi all,
Time once again for another challenge over at Creatalicious and this time our theme is:
So, time for a little CAS creation me thinks.
Our fabulous sponsor for this challenge is:
Prize - 3 digis of winner's choice

"Hi, I'm Alicia Bel.
Since childhood, I drew all the time. I also like to make cards. I studied teaching and then Fine Arts. I learned anatomy, composition, perspective and many things to make most interesting my drawings.

 My drawings are very sweet, innocent and sometimes sexy. I'm a bit childish and I really like princess stories, and beautiful, simple, and happy things."
So, we each got to work with one of Alicia's fabulous images and I chose this one:
Faery Lollipop
called Faery Lollipop
So here is what I made for this challenge:
I sort of had an idea in my head for this card, hmmm not sure if it worked out or not??
Anyhow, I wanted it to be really CAS, wish I had made the image a bit bigger now, hey ho!

Image is coloured with my Spectrum Noir Pencils.

The stencil is from Clarity and you can find it here.

The sentiment was done on the computer and then printed directly on to the card.
Phew am glad it worked because I didn't want to colour the image twice. Lol.
So there you have it.
I look forward to seeing your fabulous creations with NO DESIGNER PAPER on them.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Everybody's Favourite - Anything Goes!

Hi all,
Time for another challenge at TTPH and this time our theme is:
That's right, everyone loves these challenges don't they?
So our fabulous sponsor this time is:
Visit Morgan's Artworld here;

I have used Stardust Dreams for my card,
and here she is:

I deliberately chose extremely pastel colours for this one because I think she just looks so young and innocent and I wanted to keep that in the colouring.
Did I succeed do you think??

The image is coloured with my Polychromo pencils for this one, I just love usng these pencils.

The fabulous Word is from Clarity from one of their Word Chains and you can find them all here.

The flowers are mainly from Wild Orchid and I have had them in my stash now for ages.  I just don't seem to use as many flowers as I used to.

That gorgeous pin is from my very good friend Mandy, (A Sprinkling of Glitter) - she makes these and she used to sell them in her Etsy shop, must check and see if she still does. Again I have had them for ages, but they are so gorgeous I just don't want to use them. Lol

So there you go then, that's my little bit of inspiration for this challenge.
Can't wait to see what fabulous creations you all come up with.
